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职业资格认证:FCP-报表开发工程师 | FCA-FineBI
  • clickhouse 没有开窗函数怎么实现按照第一列分组最后一列排序取最新一条数据,最后展示的是已有的所有字段, 字段分别为: item_gr、item_gr_name、closed_month、base_code、standard_s_price、closed_date
  • A        B1        a1        b1        c2        d2        e——————————A        B1        a b c2        d e怎么把上面转换下面
  • 填报表导入数据然后刷新,为什么没有弹窗提示还未保存
  • 设置初始化JS后,左上角默认有红色三角,怎么能查询后不显示控件初始化JS:setTimeout(function() { var isAllChecked = true; //设置标记状态为选中 var boxes = _g().getWidgetsByName("box"); //获取当前页的复选按钮控件数组 if (typeof(boxes) != "undefined") { for (i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) { isAllChecked = boxes.getValue() == true ? isAllChecked : false; //如果控件大于1个,则遍历获取值,一旦出现未选中状态的按钮,则将标记值改为false } } else { isAllChecked = boxes.getValue(); //如果控件只有1个,则直接获取控件值,并传给标记值 } _g().setCellValue(0, 0, 1, isAllChecked); //将标记值赋给A2单元格}, 50)
  • https://help.fanruan.com/finereport10.0/doc-view-1215.html怎么实现点删除后有弹窗提醒是否删除var boxes = _g().getWidgetsByName("box");//获取当前页的复选按钮控件数组var cells = ;if (typeof(boxes) != "undefined") { for (i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) { if (boxes.selected()) { cells.push(boxes.options.location); //如果控件大于1个,则遍历判断是否选中,将选中的控件所在的单元格编号塞进数组中 } }} else { if (boxes.selected()) { cells.push(boxes.options.location); //如果控件只有1个,则直接判断是否选中,选中的话把单元格编号塞进数组中 }}_g().deleteRows(cells);//根据单元格编号删除行_g().verifyAndWriteReport(true);//执行校验提交所有sheet,如有删除行时直接提交的需求,可以启用该句
  • select t1.* from( select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag, qty_time1 as "实际产出" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '09:30' else '21:30' end as "时间点" ,9 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time2 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '10:30' else '22:30' end as "时间点" ,10 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time3 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '11:30' else '23:30' end as "时间点" ,11 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time4 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '12:30' else '00:30' end as "时间点" ,12 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time5 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '13:30' else '01:30' end as "时间点" ,13 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time6 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '14:30' else '02:30' end as "时间点" ,14 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time7 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '15:30' else '03:30' end as "时间点" ,15 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time8 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '16:30' else '04:30' end as "时间点" ,16 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time9 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '17:30' else '05:30' end as "时间点" ,17 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time10 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '18:30' else '06:30' end as "时间点" ,18 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time11 as "产量" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '19:30' else '07:30' end as "时间点" ,19 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id union all select  workcell_name, equip_name, equipment_id, operation_desc, shifts_team, qty_flag,  qty_time12 as "实际产出" ,case when shifts_team = '白班' then '20:30' else '08:30' end as "时间点" ,20 as num from ads.calb_output_report_equip_one_hour_v where base_flag = 'XM' and area_type NOT IN ('模组','模组段','PACK') and qty_flag = '每小时' and factory_stage = 'XMA1' and prod_line_code like 'C1%' and operation_desc = '切叠' and partion_by = '2022-07-20' and shifts_team = '白班' order by equipment_id)t1order by num, equipment_id
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  • 请问为什么报错




