我想将and a.PRODUCT_ID ='T1Y10A0104PA00' 做成复选框,控件名为料号,不知道如何传参,我写的: ${if(len(料号)==0,'',"AND a.PRODUCT_ID in ('"+料号+"')")} 结果报配置错误。请指教。下面判断的两段SQL中都有 and a.PRODUCT_ID ='T1Y10A0104PA00' 哦SQL如下:${if(OR ( 站点 != "17600" , 站点 != "16600", 站点 != "19100")," select a.GE_TIME,a.PRODUCT_ID,a.EQUIPMENT_ID,a.LOT_ID,a.GLASS_ID,c.PROCESSOPERATIONNAME,c.MACHINENAME,c.CHAMBERNAME,b.PARA_NAME ietm, AVG(b.VALUE) AS avgl, MAX(b.VALUE) AS maxl, MIN(b.VALUE) AS minl, max(decode(b.SITE, 1,b.value, 0)) as S01, max(decode(b.SITE, 2,b.value, 0)) as S02, max(decode(b.SITE, 3,b.value, 0)) as S03, max(decode(b.SITE, 4,b.value, 0)) as S04, max(decode(b.SITE, 5,b.value, 0)) as S05, max(decode(b.SITE, 6,b.value, 0)) as S06, max(decode(b.SITE, 7,b.value, 0)) as S07, max(decode(b.SITE, 8,b.value, 0)) as S08, max(decode(b.SITE, 9,b.value, 0)) as S09, max(decode(b.SITE, 10,b.value, 0)) as S10, max(decode(b.SITE, 11,b.value, 0)) as S11, max(decode(b.SITE, 12,b.value, 0)) as S12, max(decode(b.SITE, 13,b.value, 0)) as S13, max(decode(b.SITE, 14,b.value, 0)) as S14, max(decode(b.SITE, 15,b.value, 0)) as S15, max(decode(b.SITE, 16,b.value, 0)) as S16, max(decode(b.SITE, 17,b.value, 0)) as S17, max(decode(b.SITE, 18,b.value, 0)) as S18, max(decode(b.SITE, 19,b.value, 0)) as S19, max(decode(b.SITE, 20,b.value, 0)) as S20, max(decode(b.SITE, 21,b.value, 0)) as S21, max(decode(b.SITE, 22,b.value, 0)) as S22, max(decode(b.SITE, 23,b.value, 0)) as S23, max(decode(b.SITE, 24,b.value, 0)) as S24, max(decode(b.SITE, 25,b.value, 0)) as S25 from P1DMSADM.teg_glass a,P1DMSADM.teg_site_info b ,P1DMSADM.ept_mmdchamberhistory c where a.PRODUCT_ID=c.PRODUCTSPECNAME and a.GLASS_SEQ=b.GLASS_SEQ and a.GLASS_ID=c.GLASSNAME and a.LOT_ID=c.LOTNAME and a.STEP_ID='19700' and c.FACTORYNAME='A1' and a.PRODUCT_ID ='T1Y10A0104PA00' and c.PROCESSOPERATIONNAME='12100' and c.MACHINENAME='A1CVD100' --and c.CHAMBERNAME='" + chamber + "' and b.PARA_NAME in ('R2_SD_ITO') --and a.GS_TIME between '20210913083000' and '20210913203000' and a.GS_TIME between to_char(to_date('" + 开始时间 + "','YYYY-MM-DD'),'YYYYMMDD')||'083000' and to_char(to_date('" + 结束时间 + "','YYYY-MM-DD')+1,'YYYYMMDD')||'083000' group by a.GE_TIME,a.PRODUCT_ID,a.EQUIPMENT_ID,a.LOT_ID,a.GLASS_ID,c.PROCESSOPERATIONNAME,c.MACHINENAME,c.CHAMBERNAME,b.PARA_NAME order by a.GLASS_ID,c.MACHINENAME,c.CHAMBERNAME,c.PROCESSOPERATIONNAME,b.PARA_NAME ","select a.GE_TIME,a.PRODUCT_ID,a.EQUIPMENT_ID,a.LOT_ID,a.GLASS_ID,c.OLDPROCESSOPERATIONNAME,c.MACHINENAME,c.MATERIALLOCATIONNAME,b.PARA_NAME ietm, AVG(b.VALUE) AS avgl, MAX(b.VALUE) AS maxl, MIN(b.VALUE) AS minl, max(decode(b.SITE, 1,b.value, 0)) as S01, max(decode(b.SITE, 2,b.value, 0)) as S02, max(decode(b.SITE, 3,b.value, 0)) as S03, max(decode(b.SITE, 4,b.value, 0)) as S04, max(decode(b.SITE, 5,b.value, 0)) as S05, max(decode(b.SITE, 6,b.value, 0)) as S06, max(decode(b.SITE, 7,b.value, 0)) as S07, max(decode(b.SITE, 8,b.value, 0)) as S08, max(decode(b.SITE, 9,b.value, 0)) as S09, max(decode(b.SITE, 10,b.value, 0)) as S10, max(decode(b.SITE, 11,b.value, 0)) as S11, max(decode(b.SITE, 12,b.value, 0)) as S12, max(decode(b.SITE, 13,b.value, 0)) as S13, max(decode(b.SITE, 14,b.value, 0)) as S14, max(decode(b.SITE, 15,b.value, 0)) as S15, max(decode(b.SITE, 16,b.value, 0)) as S16, max(decode(b.SITE, 17,b.value, 0)) as S17, max(decode(b.SITE, 18,b.value, 0)) as S18, max(decode(b.SITE, 19,b.value, 0)) as S19, max(decode(b.SITE, 20,b.value, 0)) as S20, max(decode(b.SITE, 21,b.value, 0)) as S21, max(decode(b.SITE, 22,b.value, 0)) as S22, max(decode(b.SITE, 23,b.value, 0)) as S23, max(decode(b.SITE, 24,b.value, 0)) as S24, max(decode(b.SITE, 25,b.value, 0)) as S25 from P1DMSADM.teg_glass a,P1DMSADM.teg_site_info b ,P1DMSADM.mes_producthistory c where a.PRODUCT_ID=c.PRODUCTSPECNAME and a.GLASS_SEQ=b.GLASS_SEQ and a.GLASS_ID=c.PRODUCTNAME and a.LOT_ID=c.LOTNAME and a.STEP_ID='19700' and c.FACTORYNAME='A1' and a.PRODUCT_ID ='T1Y10A0104PA00' and c.OLDPROCESSOPERATIONNAME='12100' and c.MACHINENAME='A1CVD100' --and c.MATERIALLOCATIONNAME='" + chamber + "' and b.PARA_NAME in ('R2_SD_ITO') AND c.EVENTNAME='TrackOut' --and a.GS_TIME between '20210913083000' and '20210913203000' and a.GS_TIME BETWEEN to_char(SUBSTR(GS_TIME,1,8)||'08300000',YYYY/MM/DD) AND to_char(SUBSTR(GS_TIME,1,8)||'20300000',YYYY-MM-DD) group by a.GE_TIME,a.PRODUCT_ID,a.EQUIPMENT_ID,a.LOT_ID,a.GLASS_ID,c.OLDPROCESSOPERATIONNAME,c.MACHINENAME,c.MATERIALLOCATIONNAME,b.PARA_NAME order by a.GLASS_ID,c.MACHINENAME,c.MATERIALLOCATIONNAME,c.OLDPROCESSOPERATIONNAME,b.PARA_NAME ")}