排序 order by


select (case

         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then


       end) as signtime,

       count(distinct a.contno) as 新单数量,

       sum(a.prem) / 10000 as 保费

  from lis_lcpol a

  left join com_bankcom b

    on a.agentcom = b.agentcom

 where a.operadatatype <> 'D'

   and a.prem <> 0

   and a.salechnl = '03'

   and b.deptname in ('${deptname}')

   and a.signdate >= date'2019-09-01'

and a.signdate <= date'2019-10-10' 

 group by (case

            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then



          order by (case

            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then






FineReport free_zz 发布于 2019-11-1 10:21 (编辑于 2019-11-6 17:32)
1min目标场景问卷 立即参与
悬赏:4 F币 + 添加悬赏
发布于2019-11-1 11:20(编辑于 2019-11-1 14:03)
select (case

         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


         when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

              to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then


       end) as signtime,

       count(distinct a.contno) as 新单数量,

       sum(a.prem) / 10000 as 保费

  from lis_lcpol a

  left join com_bankcom b

    on a.agentcom = b.agentcom

 where a.operadatatype <> 'D'

   and a.prem <> 0

   and a.salechnl = '03'

   and b.deptname in ('${deptname}')

   and a.signdate >= date'2019-09-01'

	and a.signdate <= date'2019-10-10' 

 group by (case

            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then



          order by to_number(substr(a,1,instr(a,'-')-1))

发布于2019-11-1 10:25(编辑于 2019-11-1 11:01)

order by


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then




            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then




  • free_zz free_zz(提问者) 这个最好是一个时间区域,,有别的办法么
    2019-11-01 10:33 
  • 黄源 黄源 回复 free_zz(提问者) 看修改
    2019-11-01 11:00 
  • free_zz free_zz(提问者) 回复 黄源 这个我试过了 不行
    2019-11-01 11:16 
  • 黄源 黄源 回复 free_zz(提问者) order by to_number(substr(signtime,0,instr(\'-\',signtime)))
    2019-11-01 11:38 
发布于2019-11-1 10:25

 order by (case

            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 0 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 4 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 4 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 8 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 8 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 12 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 12 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 16 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 16 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 20 then


            when to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) > 20 and

                 to_number(substr(a.signtime, 1, 2)) <= 24 then



  • free_zz free_zz(提问者) 这个最好是一个时间区域,,有别的办法么
    2019-11-01 10:33 
  • qhl qhl 回复 free_zz(提问者) order by后面的case when用数字,前面查询用正常时间区域就好了,order by仅仅是排序的,不影响查询的
    2019-11-01 10:38 
  • free_zz free_zz(提问者) 回复 qhl 报错哦 ,不行。。完善了 麻烦看下
    2019-11-01 10:49 
  • qhl qhl 回复 free_zz(提问者) 看错误是group by有问题,你单独查下case when 那部分,看看是否还有除了这些之外的值(由于你这case when 没加else)
    2019-11-01 10:55 
  • axing axing 回复 free_zz(提问者) 这是什么数据库
    2019-11-01 11:01 
  • 4关注人数
  • 494浏览人数
  • 最后回答于:2019-11-6 17:32
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