with as base (select a.saleno
,sum(case when b.type=0 then a.disc else -a.disc end) sum_disc
,sum(case when b.type=0 then a.amt else -a.amt end) sum_amt
from td_sale_detail a inner join td_sale b
on a.companyno=b.companyno and a.shop=b.shop and a.saleno=b.saleno
left join tb_goods_lang C on A.companyno=C.companyno and A.pluno=C.pluno and C.lang_type='${para_lang_type}'
left join tb_goods e on A.companyno=e.companyno and A.pluno=e.pluno
inner join ta_org o on o.companyno=a.companyno and o.organizationno=a.shop
left join TD_SALE_DETAIL_AGIO f on f.saleno=a.saleno and a.ITEM=f.Mitem and a.COMPANYNO=f.COMPANYNO and a.shop=f.shop
left join ta_Reason_Lang g on f.bsno=g.bsno and g.companyno=f.companyno and g.lang_type='${para_lang_type}'
left join TB_CATEGORY h on e.sno=h.category and h.companyno=e.companyno
${if(rechargeGIFT==0,"left join tg_recharge f on f.rechargeno=b.ofno and f.companyno=b.companyno","")}
where a.companyno='${para_companyno}' and
-- o.BELFIRM='${para_organizationno}' and
b.bdate between '${format(para_bdate1,"yyyyMMdd")}'
and '${format(para_bdate2,"yyyyMMdd")}'
${if(len(para_organizationno_shop)==0,""," and a.shop in ('" + para_organizationno_shop + "')")}
${if(len(para_type)==0,""," and b.type in ('" + para_type + "')")}
${if(len(para_pluno)==0,""," and a.pluno in ('" + para_pluno+ "')")}
${if(len(para_sno)==0,""," and e.sno in ('" + JOINARRAY(para_sno,"','")+ "')")}
${if(len(para_plu_name)==0,""," and c.plu_name like '%%" + para_plu_name+ "%%'")}
${if(len(para_saleno)==0,""," and a.saleno in ('" + para_saleno+ "')")}
${switch(para_TCType,0,"and (a.IsPackage ='N' or a.IsPackage is null)"
,1,"and a.PackageMaster='N' and a.IsPackage='Y'"
,2,"and a.PackageMaster='Y'"
,3,"and (a.PackageMaster='N' or a.PackageMaster is null)"
,4,"and (a.PackageMaster='Y' or a.IsPackage='N')")}
and b.type!=16
${if(len(ORDERCHANNEL)==0,"","and ORDERCHANNEL in ('"+ORDERCHANNEL+"')")}
${if(dzx==0,"and b.order_id is not null","")}
${if(len(gift)==0,"","and ISGIFT = 'Y'")}
and (a.dishesstatus not in ('3','4') or a.dishesstatus is null)
${if(len(para_ofno)==0,""," and b.ofno = '" + para_ofno+ "'")}
${if(rechargeGIFT==0,"and f.rechargeno is not null","")}
group by a.saleno
order by b.bdate,b.Machine,b.SquadNO,a.saleno,a.item),
as base1 (
select a.saleno,b.bdate,b.Machine,b.CardNO,b.SquadNO,b.opno, case when b.otype =3 then 3 when b.otype=4 then 4 else b.type end type,
a.companyno,a.shop, a.item,
a.pluno, a.featureno, a.plubarcode, a.scanno, a.unit,a.oldprice, a.price,
case when b.type=0 then a.qty else -a.qty end qty
,case when b.type=0 then a.uamt else -a.uamt end uamt
,case when b.type=0 then a.qty else -a.qty end packqty
,case when b.type=0 then a.disc else -a.disc end packdisc
,case when b.type=0 then a.amt else -a.amt end packamt
,case when b.type=0 then a.uamt else -a.uamt end packuamt ,
a.counteramt, a.point_qty, b.ofno,a.oitem,
a.sdate, a.stime, a.cnfflg,C.plu_name
,case when a.ISGIFT='Y' then '是' else '否' end isgift
from td_sale_detail a inner join td_sale b
on a.companyno=b.companyno and a.shop=b.shop and a.saleno=b.saleno
left join tb_goods_lang C on A.companyno=C.companyno and A.pluno=C.pluno and C.lang_type='${para_lang_type}'
left join tb_goods e on A.companyno=e.companyno and A.pluno=e.pluno
inner join ta_org o on o.companyno=a.companyno and o.organizationno=a.shop
left join TD_SALE_DETAIL_AGIO f on f.saleno=a.saleno and a.ITEM=f.Mitem and a.COMPANYNO=f.COMPANYNO and a.shop=f.shop
left join ta_Reason_Lang g on f.bsno=g.bsno and g.companyno=f.companyno and g.lang_type='${para_lang_type}'
left join TB_CATEGORY h on e.sno=h.category and h.companyno=e.companyno
${if(rechargeGIFT==0,"left join tg_recharge f on f.rechargeno=b.ofno and f.companyno=b.companyno","")}
where a.companyno='${para_companyno}' and
-- o.BELFIRM='${para_organizationno}' and
b.bdate between '${format(para_bdate1,"yyyyMMdd")}'
and '${format(para_bdate2,"yyyyMMdd")}'
${if(len(para_organizationno_shop)==0,""," and a.shop in ('" + para_organizationno_shop + "')")}
${if(len(para_type)==0,""," and b.type in ('" + para_type + "')")}
${if(len(para_pluno)==0,""," and a.pluno in ('" + para_pluno+ "')")}
${if(len(para_sno)==0,""," and e.sno in ('" + JOINARRAY(para_sno,"','")+ "')")}
${if(len(para_plu_name)==0,""," and c.plu_name like '%%" + para_plu_name+ "%%'")}
${if(len(para_saleno)==0,""," and a.saleno in ('" + para_saleno+ "')")}
${switch(para_TCType,0,"and (a.IsPackage ='N' or a.IsPackage is null)"
,1,"and a.PackageMaster='N' and a.IsPackage='Y'"
,2,"and a.PackageMaster='Y'"
,3,"and (a.PackageMaster='N' or a.PackageMaster is null)"
,4,"and (a.PackageMaster='Y' or a.IsPackage='N')")}
and b.type!=16
${if(len(ORDERCHANNEL)==0,"","and ORDERCHANNEL in ('"+ORDERCHANNEL+"')")}
${if(dzx==0,"and b.order_id is not null","")}
${if(len(gift)==0,"","and ISGIFT = 'Y'")}
and (a.dishesstatus not in ('3','4') or a.dishesstatus is null)
${if(len(para_ofno)==0,""," and b.ofno = '" + para_ofno+ "'")}
${if(rechargeGIFT==0,"and f.rechargeno is not null","")}
order by b.bdate,b.Machine,b.SquadNO,a.saleno,a.item
select * from
base t1
left join
base1 t2
on t1.saleno=t2.saleno
select b.bdate,b.Machine,b.CardNO,b.SquadNO,b.opno, case when b.otype =3 then 3 when b.otype=4 then 4 else b.type end type,
a.companyno,a.shop, a.saleno, a.item,
a.pluno, a.featureno, a.plubarcode, a.scanno, a.unit,a.oldprice, a.price,
case when b.type=0 then a.qty else -a.qty end qty
,sum(case when b.type=0 then a.disc else -a.disc end) over (partition by a.saleno) as sum_disc
,sum(case when b.type=0 then a.amt else -a.amt end ) over (partition by a.saleno) as sum_amt
,case when b.type=0 then a.uamt else -a.uamt end uamt
,case when b.type=0 then a.qty else -a.qty end packqty
,case when b.type=0 then a.disc else -a.disc end packdisc
,case when b.type=0 then a.amt else -a.amt end packamt
,case when b.type=0 then a.uamt else -a.uamt end packuamt ,
a.counteramt, a.point_qty, b.ofno,a.oitem,
a.sdate, a.stime, a.cnfflg,C.plu_name
,case when a.ISGIFT='Y' then '是' else '否' end isgift
from td_sale_detail a inner join td_sale b
on a.companyno=b.companyno and a.shop=b.shop and a.saleno=b.saleno
left join tb_goods_lang C on A.companyno=C.companyno and A.pluno=C.pluno and C.lang_type='${para_lang_type}'
left join tb_goods e on A.companyno=e.companyno and A.pluno=e.pluno
inner join ta_org o on o.companyno=a.companyno and o.organizationno=a.shop
left join TD_SALE_DETAIL_AGIO f on f.saleno=a.saleno and a.ITEM=f.Mitem and a.COMPANYNO=f.COMPANYNO and a.shop=f.shop
left join ta_Reason_Lang g on f.bsno=g.bsno and g.companyno=f.companyno and g.lang_type='${para_lang_type}'
left join TB_CATEGORY h on e.sno=h.category and h.companyno=e.companyno
${if(rechargeGIFT==0,"left join tg_recharge f on f.rechargeno=b.ofno and f.companyno=b.companyno","")}
where a.companyno='${para_companyno}' and
-- o.BELFIRM='${para_organizationno}' and
b.bdate between '${format(para_bdate1,"yyyyMMdd")}'
and '${format(para_bdate2,"yyyyMMdd")}'
${if(len(para_organizationno_shop)==0,""," and a.shop in ('" + para_organizationno_shop + "')")}
${if(len(para_type)==0,""," and b.type in ('" + para_type + "')")}
${if(len(para_pluno)==0,""," and a.pluno in ('" + para_pluno+ "')")}
${if(len(para_sno)==0,""," and e.sno in ('" + JOINARRAY(para_sno,"','")+ "')")}
${if(len(para_plu_name)==0,""," and c.plu_name like '%%" + para_plu_name+ "%%'")}
${if(len(para_saleno)==0,""," and a.saleno in ('" + para_saleno+ "')")}
${switch(para_TCType,0,"and (a.IsPackage ='N' or a.IsPackage is null)"
,1,"and a.PackageMaster='N' and a.IsPackage='Y'"
,2,"and a.PackageMaster='Y'"
,3,"and (a.PackageMaster='N' or a.PackageMaster is null)"
,4,"and (a.PackageMaster='Y' or a.IsPackage='N')")}
and b.type!=16
${if(len(ORDERCHANNEL)==0,"","and ORDERCHANNEL in ('"+ORDERCHANNEL+"')")}
${if(dzx==0,"and b.order_id is not null","")}
${if(len(gift)==0,"","and ISGIFT = 'Y'")}
and (a.dishesstatus not in ('3','4') or a.dishesstatus is null)
${if(len(para_ofno)==0,""," and b.ofno = '" + para_ofno+ "'")}
${if(rechargeGIFT==0,"and f.rechargeno is not null","")}
order by b.bdate,b.Machine,b.SquadNO,a.saleno,a.item