with ds1 as (
select t1.xmdm,t1.xmmc,loccurramt
from SJYS t1
left join SJYS_DT1 t2 on t1.id=t2.mainid
left join SJYS_KMDM t3 on t2.erpxmdm=t3.glacct2
where t3.fiscalyear=2020 and t3.companycode='W68' and t3.postperiod=1
ds2 as (
select t1.xmdm,t1.xmmc,
from SJYS t1
left join ds1 on t1.xmdm=ds1.xmdm
order by t1.xh
ds3 as (
select 'FY00' xmdm,sum(loccurramt) loccurramt from ds2
union all
select substr(xmdm,1,2)||'00' xmdm,sum(loccurramt) loccurramt from ds2
where xmdm <> 'FY00'
group by substr(xmdm,1,2)
union all
select substr(xmdm,1,4) xmdm,sum(loccurramt) loccurramt from ds2
where substr(xmdm,3,2) <> '00'
group by substr(xmdm,1,4)
union all
select substr(xmdm,1,6) xmdm,sum(loccurramt) loccuramt from ds2 where length(xmdm)=6
group by substr(xmdm,1,6)
select ds3.xmdm,t1.xmmc,ds3.loccurramt from ds3
join SJYS t1 on t1.xmdm=ds3.xmdm
order by t1.xh